Thursday, May 28, 2009

False Alarm!

All is well with the world. Lyla still wants to breastfeed. The other night after I wrote the post about her not wanting to, woke up in the middle of the night and I was so tired to do anything else so I tried for humor and desperation sakes to breastfeed her. She actually did it. I felt such relief to at least do it if she wakes up in the middle of the night because let's be honest, I am just too lazy to get up to pump a bottle. I have been trying not to use a bottle when I am home and she seems to be ok. Sometimes she fights it, but she is doing pretty good. I have to say, I am always on the go, so she hasn't had as much of me as the bottle, but I am relieved that she at least does it when I really need her to. So, thanks for the comments from the other post. I need the reassurance from others to help me through these tough times.

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