Thursday, April 7, 2011

Sweet encounters

Today, I was able to share a sweet moment with Julianna.  This week she has been especially wonderful about listening and not having tantrums.  I was taught in my parenting class is "catching them being good"  Well, she was on my bed and she was helping me do laundry and I just looked at her.  Like really looked at her.  She was just so sweet and so cooperative.  So, I told her that I appreciated her and all the work that she has been doing.  I went on to say that she has really grown up to be a wonderful girl.  It was like filling an empty well.  I saw her being filled to the brim and she made the huge strides into my arms and I just held my little girl.  It could have been the single sweetest moment that I have shared with her.  Those moments are what you crave as a mother!! 


Christiansen Family said...

Ok that totally brought tears to my eyes. Those are the moments that you wish could be frozen and last forever!! Way to catch the moment!

Martha said...

so sweet, loved it xo