Thursday, March 26, 2009

Notice the Baby Ticker...

My due date has arrived and all I feel like doing is locking myself in my house and not socializing with the outside world. Part of me knows I need to get out and try to get moving, but frankly nothing is sparking the arrival of this little one. I feel like she is never coming out. I know that is totally ridiculous, but that is how I feel. I have walked more in the past week than all my pregnancies combined and I am only dilated to a 3. I just don't know what Mother Nature is trying to pull. I make all these plans with people thinking in my mind, " I so won't be there for that" to only be there. Milestone after milestone, I have made all my March commitments. Enrichment, play dates, my little Jazzer's birthday which is today (Happy Birthday) and all my work up until this point. I have no idea what to do now. How do I fill up my days with things when I am so anxious of my little one's arrival. As many know, this is the LONGEST I have ever been pregnant, and frankly I don't think it suits me very well. I was at the park yesterday and someone told me that I looked very uncomfortable and ready to be done. I am wearing makeup still and doing my hair, so it is obvious to me that I am showing the world that this state is no longer attractive on me if it even was in the first place. Both my kids are home today. I didn't want to drive them to and from school. But, now I have to figure out how to fill up my day with tasks so I don't go crazy. How do I go on like this. For all those who went over their due date, please impart advice to me so I don't go crazy. I know it happens to many, but I want to know survival tips to help me get through. So here's to another milestone in my life. Going to my due date! Oh, how lucky for me!!


Julia said...

I have been crazy out of my mind at the end of each pregnancy b/c I have gone over each time, except this last time. I knew I would be over, so how I coped with it:

I get a pedicure on my due date.

Then I made appointments or deadlines (the blog giveaway each day over) to meet so I could stress about those and not that I wasn't going into labor. It helped me to focus on something else and I figured it was better to cancel than to just sit and wait.

I spent a lot of time alone, just thinking, meditating in a way I guess.

I stopped going to church. I don't care how patient you are, hearing over and over, "wow you're going to pop" or "I thought I wouldn't see you today" can really, REALLY get a woman down. I can't tell you all the venomous thoughts I've had toward some of those women (which I noticed you handled really well on Sunday).

I did all the things they said would start labor, short of Castor Oil.

You can do it! I know how hard this is. I'll bring the baby blanket over next week after our trip to you and your new little girl :)

Amy Beatty said...

Kimmy! You are going to make it. I talked to Merry the other day and she told me how beautiful you always look, with your hair and make-up done. She also said you look very good in everything you wear, that you always are able to find things that complement your body. She and I both agreed that we want that talent. I only went over with Jarom which I thought was really hard because he was my first and I Rachel and I were due on the same day and the boys are now like a month apart. It didn't seem fair at all. But now said and done- everything happens for a reason. And it is always the best! I can't wait for you to have your baby girl. I love you Kim xo

Kimberly said...

I went 6 days overdue with Mason, and I was used to working full time so I was seriously bored. I watched a lot of tv and movies...I didn't have any kids to occupy my time and I hadn't really developed any friendships yet since I was a work-a-holic before.

I also stopped going to church. I was so uncomfortable, my legs were so swollen, I had to keep my old lady support hose on all the time and prop my feet up...hence the tv watching! ;) You look great though...I have been incredibly jealous! ;)

Have you checked out momgiveaways? Look on my blog list...entering all of those giveaways can keep you busy for hours!!! And who knows, you may win some great stuff too! ;)

Martha said...

I can only say...HANG IN THERE KIM I had a baby come two days late and I swear it seemed like TWO MONTHS. I cried alot and prayed alot. I have no advice just that she will be born! Maybe just try to enjoy that feeling of a baby in your womb. I miss it so. I've never commented before but i love your blog. Love Auntie Martha (Claudia's sister) xoxo

The 4 of Us said...

I'm thinking of you! Let me know if I can do anything!

Francais Frit said...

I think I went to Leatherbys every day I went over (9).

Martha said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!! I SEE YOUR LITTLE BUNDLE CAME RIGHT ON HER DUE DATE. I can't wait until you post some photos. I hope you're feeling wonderful. Give her a kiss for me. I'm so happy for you, Sean and your two cute kiddies. xoxoxo