Saturday, March 7, 2009

Baby Shower at Boudin's

I got a call a couple of weeks ago from my beloved Beth expressing her interest in throwing me a shower to celebrate this pregnancy and baby. My response was something like, " Absolutely not!" I just had a baby girl three years ago and I feel uncomfortable with the idea of having a shower." Well, she thought that it would be more of a laid back gathering of friends at my favorite restaurant and just enjoy that time. She called a celebration of Motherhood. So, the place where they chose was Boudin's in Sacramento. That shows how much they know me. I think my all time favorite meal is soup in a bread bowl. I thought that didn't sound too bad. Well, that is exactly what it was. It was all my favorite people in one place.
Of course, Jazzers and Beth went all out. I wish I would have gotten the table that they set up. It was adorable. They had flowers in cute vases and little bottles with cadberry eggs. Also, chocolate covered strawberries that was all too appetizing. I had a great time with everyone. It is so much fun to get together with the people that mean so much to you. It made me realize how lucky I have been with my friends. I have had alot of people in my life since I have lived here that have come in and out of my life. I have been more than blessed with AMAZING women who show me what it truly means to be christian. I love all those who have made the effort to come out and celebrate motherhood with me.

Jessica, a friend who always has a smile on her face.

The PARTY planners, Beth and Jazzers!

Kimberly and Erin

Debi and Rene

Natalie and Lisa


Kimberly said...

It was fun!!! And I'll never forget Jasmine's strawberries for as long as I live! Congratulations again and I must say, your new little one will be quite well dressed! :)

kristin said...

I was so bummed I couldn't make it! It ended up being just too much that week and I needed to spend some much coveted time with my nonexistent husband of late. It sounds like you had a great time!! But then you always do cause you're so fun yourself! And with everyone else you had there I'm sure it was quite the party!
Once again, congrats on a new baby- hopefully your labor starts at an opportune moment instead of at the grocery store.
Love ya tons!!!