Thursday, July 24, 2008

Aqua Madness

I have been hearing about these Aquatic centers around and I thought it would be fun to organize a little play group with all Elijah's friends from pre-school. It was so much fun to see the boys swim in these great swim structure. The water was shallow and perfect for the boys to play in. Having this place in Folsom was such a treat. It was so close. Five dollars for 4 hours of entertainment. What a bargain. My biggest complaint about the place though is that their lifeguards did not have consistent rules. There was a huge, red slide that I wanted to take Elijah on. He is a daring kid so I knew this slide was small potatoes compared to other things he has done. Well, I asked one lifeguard if there was any height requirements to the slide. He said there wasn't and also added that he could wear his life vest. Well, I got Elijah all pumped to go on it. As we hit the top, there was a board of rules for the slide. It had a 48' height requirement. 48 inches! You can go on Space Mountain at 40 in at Disneyland. This slide was tame in comparison. I asked the guy manning the slide and begged for Elijah to go down. He didn't think it was such a good idea. He told me to go down and ask another lifeguard to give him the o.k. SO I did just that, trying to convince them that he would not be scared. DENIED! Then she proceeded to tell me that the diving board didn't have a height reqirement and he could wear his life vest. So, again feeling desperate to redeem myself from the disappointment that I have so far caused my son, we went to the diving board watching others plunge into the water. Well, just as our kids were about to go, another lifeguard whistled her whistle saying they were not allowed to wear the life jackets on the boards. Now, I am all about following rules, but when everyone in the same place is saying different things, disappointing our kids left and right, that is when I want to tell them to stick their rules where the sun don't shine. I know, hasty and rude, but I couldn't stand seeing the look on his face when I kept promising something I couldn't keep. Very sad. We still had a good time though. Surfs up!


rebekahmott said...

Oh we had a blast. I am so glad that you planned it and we did it!! What a great find. I love the pictures to thanks!!

Amy Beatty said...

We use to go there when we lived in Cameron Park. It is so fun. Folsom actually has couple other parks that are free and fun with water.

mattbeatty said...

Bummer about all those rules. I just tell Jarom to stand on his tiptoes (he's about 45ish inches), and so far it's worked twice! He went down one of those steep vertical slides at Seven Peaks near our house. The only problem was the lifeguard at the bottom, who said, "Isn't he too short?" as Jarom walked away on his tiptoes.

Jodi and Jordan Rowell said...

That sucks with the whole lifeguard thing. But, it still looks like you guys had a fun time. You are such a fun mom,keep it up!