So, I just joined a networking group this week for reals. I was inducted a hour ago. My friend told me that I had to come up with a 2 minute little spiel about my business as a hairdresser. I can not tell you the anxiety that I felt of this situation. I sat, wrote it down, and probably said it over a hundred times in my head in preparatory of today at 12 o clock! I lost sleep over it, I couldn't eat my in & out because my stomach hurt, I was a mess. I know some people may wonder why the heck I would be so nervous. Honestly, I can't tell you why either. I guess I felt so much is on the line of this group. With Sean out of work, I felt like the pressure to make this work was immense. I didn't want to get up there and completely lose my cool. I sometimes get a little overwhelmed with these kind of things. I had not been that nervous since my state board test 9 years ago.
Well, I walked into a room of such amazing people who welcomed we in with open arms. I was sworn in if you will and was expecting my moment to sweat it out, when they didn't even ask me to do it!! I WAS SO RELIEVED!! I felt a huge load lifted off my shoulders and I must say that I was totally relaxed the rest of the time. When I gave my testimonial of my dear friend that helped me to come to this meeting and group, I mentioned that Sean had been laid off and about 5 people asked what he did and offered that I talk to them about getting him a job. I had no idea that I was able to get that opportunity for him and was so grateful of the resources that I am now totally accessible to. The Lord has put this group in my life. It has been such a blessing. To think I was not going to walk away from this opportunity. Now, we all know who was really trying to talk me out of it, don't we?? Get thee hence, Satan!!!
On a side note, my dad talked to Sean last night about his interview on Friday and gave him some pointers, one of them being that he call a salesperson about their job and get some info about the company. He was able to talk to my dear friend that works there and also a guy in sales. Come to find out, that my friend talked to him earlier about the interviewing process and it was the same guy that talked to Sean. Coincidence?? I think not.
We are being blessed in more ways that I can count!! I feel like the love of the Savior carrying my load where I can honestly skip!!