Friday, May 28, 2010

Let's "Discover" a New Place

Bay Area Discovery Museum!

Just Beginning the Fun!

There were caves to explore...

trees to climb in and on...

and spider webs to become a part of!

The cutest lil pair in the fort

The Little Froggy Band!

A Sand Pit!

There was an art area where they had only scraps to work with. Elijah made a rocket with a red cup and a toilet roll. It was about the process and instead of the end result. I was impressed with both actually!

The awesome view right that we got to admire the whole day through!

Our cool six year old!

There were archeological digs!

and trucks to ride!

All in all, there was so much to do that we didn't have the time to see it all! But, we definitely want an encore!

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

Wow, looks like fun! Didn't know that place even existed...