Friday, January 21, 2011

Marley Bear

We have a new member of our family! His name name is Marley Bear formly known as Little Bear. We got a call this morning from our friend, Jessi. She knew of a friend of hers that was trying to find a good home for her dog. He is a year old and potty trained! Score! I was a little interested after I heard that. So, tonight we went and looked at him and I was worried that I wouldn't feel any connection to him. But, as soon as he walked in, it was like magic. I have never been a huge dog person, but he just seemed right. We hung out with him for a while to make sure the connection was there. He is ultra mellow and fun. He has a beautiful coat and his face is really cute. We knew that we were going to take him home right from the start. The kids promised that they were going to help take good care of him. Julianna was overjoyed! She is the lover of all things furry. I have anticipated this for 10 years to have a dog in our lives. I am happy to have him in our family. He completes us!! Pictures to come!!


Michelle and Nathan said...

You are brave! Good luck.

kristin said...

He's super cute! Having a dog of our own, all I can say is this will be so fun and yet so hard all at the same time:)
Good luck!