I got this email the other day about Elijah from a wonderful sister that works in the Primary
There is something to be said about people that share with you these sweet little accounts that may be small but mean a lot!
Hi Kimberly--I wanted to share with you a memory-maker from Primary today. Diane Anderson's grandson Jack was having a minor meltdown today. He was sitting by himself in one of the two CTR5 rows before Primary started. He was whimpering and crying quietly and had a look of panic on his face. I bent over to talk to him and he said he wanted to be with his cousin Jon. I told him that Jon would be back in the room when we all got together during closing exercises. I tried to distract him by pointing out the other kids in the class and how much he would enjoy Primary. Still whimpering, he reached up and took my hand and held it. Ping went my heart but I proceeded to ask the other CTR5’s if someone would like to come back a row and sit with Jack so he would feel welcome. Immediately Elijah got up and moved back to sit with him. I said, “Elijah, are you going to be Jack’s friend?” He grinned and shook his head “yes.” It was not 20 seconds later they were enjoying each other’s company. Maybe they already knew each well, but between Jack’s reaching up to put his hand in mine and Elijah coming to Jack’s rescue when a friend was needed, it did this old maid’s heart good and was the best part of my day.
Then to top it off, we are trying a new way to spotlight the kids and we initiated a new way today for the seniors. In order to remember who has had a turn and to fairly choose the next week’s recipient, Mary Ann Perry put the name of each senior Primary child on a tongue depressor and put them in a jar. What could go wrong with this innovative system? The jar was on the table during closing exercises and, to a child, those depressors probably resembled a popscicle stick in need of a delicious popscicle, or at least a new-fangled toy. I was busy talking with someone after the closing prayer, I looked down to see Julianna generously handing out the sticks from the jar to the Sunbeams and all interested parties. I am still laughing over that one. Looking at that beautiful face and that wide-eyed expression as she probably wondered why I was collecting up the sticks from the four corners of the room and messing up her plan to share the joy of them with the other children. Thinking back on it, I should have just let it go but was imagining some parent out there wondering why their boy or girl was coming home with a tongue depressor with someone elses’s name on it.
So thank you for sharing the joy of these children with me as I serve in my favorite calling I have ever had. I sure love the Primary children and there is never a dull moment, but today was one I will especially look back on with a smile.